Sloatsburg Food Pantry

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SFP Volunteer Update – February, 2023

“Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.”

-      Leo Buscaglia

Hi there and warm wishes to everyone. Can you believe February is almost done? Since we are halfway through the academic school year, I would like to highlight our School Healthy Snack Program this month.

As many of you know, snack is a significant time during the elementary school day. The entire class pulls out their snacks and rejuvenates, helping with focus and energy. For a student who does not have, it can be a tough time.

In 2018, we began a pilot with Sloatsburg Elementary to provide individually wrapped, healthy, nut-free snacks to children who chronically came to school without. It was a success. And now, 5 years later, we continue to provide snacks to the 5 SCSD elementary schools and the Tuxedo Union Free elementary and high school.

Each school has a dedicated individual who manages the Program by distributing snacks to students, managing the central inventory of snacks and tracking the school need so that we are able to provide the snacks needed. This work is in addition to their regular role. We are so grateful that each school is willing to provide this much needed support.

Students are identified by a school representative as needing snacks during the school day. These students are not required to receive free / reduced breakfast and lunch to be part of the Program. Nor are ALL students receiving free / reduced breakfast and lunch part of the Program. Need is based on snacks only.

The Program is financially sponsored by the Sloatsburg Food Pantry. It is independent of any other food supplemental programs. All children remain anonymous to us. We simply track, purchase and provide the snacks needed by each school.

Student or local community groups are welcome to fundraise or purchase items to support the program. Please take a look at or share our Amazon wish list for a list of snack items we provide.

Snapshot of the School Healthy Snack Program for the 2022-2023 school year

Volunteer opportunities

Please click here to view our sign-ups for March. Thank you very much for your time. We appreciate you!!



Ideas? Please bring them on! Susan and I would love to hear them.

Volunteers go above and beyond

“Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers…” Google this and you will learn this is NOT an official U.S. Postal service motto. However, OUR carryout volunteers should feel free to use this one!

When we first moved back inside, we discussed having volunteers to help with carryout as available and needed. Well, we quickly found that this role is needed. Very much so! The amount of food our clients leave with is typically too much for 1 person to carry.

So, this month, I would like to give a shout out to our dedicated “Carryout” volunteers including, but not limited to: Aidan, Alan, Elders Ministry, Eli, Fiona, Glenn, John, Kevin, Kris, Lachlan, Madison, Matthew, Miles, Richard, Rob and Sarah.


Did you know?

In January, volunteers donated more than 400 volunteer hours!

I wish to thank each of you for your continued support of the Pantry. Your kindness will forever be in my heart.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend.

Respectfully yours,
